Despite being 8, Pixie says 'I'm home' for the first time. Survival patterns have left their physical legacy. 'Allow' change and trust that it is always available is her advice to Wendy.
How do we allow change? It begins with our thoughts on what's possible. Rather than magical thinking, it's openness to meet each moment and allow it to be different from what we might have experienced before. Pixie gave Wendy, a highly trained and experienced bodywork professional in the UK, a roadmap of how to unravel the tensions and torsions. This included how and where she wants to be touched and how she wants to be worked 'with' not 'on'. Consent invites optimal change, imposition doesn't.
The state of our animals nervous system has a huge impact on their physical well-being at all levels skeletal, fascia, organ and postural. Pixie's views on her body were reinforced by her vet who did extensive x-rays and scoped her for ulcers to conclude that her body is pristine and that the cause of her lameness is neurological.
Thank you Wendy for trusting me to help your gorgeous girl be heard and I looks forward to hearing how she blossoms under your loving care. She is more than a bit special