Thanks for inquiring about the support I can offer you and the animals in your heart.
Personal Animal Communication Sessions
There are so many things we can learn from a communication session. About our animals friends health, likes and dislikes, deep insights into what it is to be a sentient being experiencing life. Our animal friends sometimes share insights about us that we, or even our closest human friends didn't know - these all coming from a place of love and desire to have a closer relationship for the benefit of both.
Animal Communication is done remotely using a photograph to make the connection. You tell me what you would like to discuss with your animal friend, we chat and I take notes and I then contact you via phone or zoom to pass on what was shared. If you would like to dip a toe in the water then you can have a mini-communication asking one question
Learning about Animal Communication
Animal Communication is done remotely. You tell me what you would like to know about and I then contact you via phone or zoom to pass on what was shared. If you would like to dip a toe in the water then you can have a mini-communication asking one question
1 on 1 Coaching (face to face, phone or skype)Group Workshops (face to face or via web link up)Online CoursesSpeaking to Groups (face to face or via web link)