Consciously Connect with your Animal Family

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Animal Communication

21 Lessons

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Consciously Connect with your Animal Family

Week 1 - Full Body Listening

8 Lessons

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Animal Communication is a focused energetic connection that enables non-verbal information to flow Our body is our antennae, used to send and receive information. Our first week is focused on how to support our receptivity so we can 'tune in.'

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Animal Communication is a focused energetic connection that enables non-verbal information to flow Our body is our antennae, used to send and receive information. Our first week is focused on how to support our receptivity so we can 'tune in.'

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In this video I talk about rinsing of the energy we may have picked up during communication, centering our awareness in our physical body and creating energy boundaries so we manage what comes into our space. I also talk about how a movement practice can help bring our body online more fully. Lastly, if you are connecting with a certain species often, it can be useful to have some visual reference of their skeletal, muscle, digestive, nerve and fascia structure - that way we can be more exact in understanding what's being shared with us.

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Guided visualisation that invites you to connect with all that is

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Guided visualisation that invites you to connect with all that is

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Guided visualisation that invites you to connect with all that is

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Guided visualisation that invites you to connect with all that is

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Our imagination is wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful - we are balancing the receptive and creative parts of our brain in animal communication. Learning how to discern the original of information arriving in our conscious can help us bring to believe that we are, indeed, receive insights from the animals we love. This comes with a few heads up as insights may not arrive as we had initially imagined them to...

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Week 2 - What get's in the way

3 Lessons

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Over our lives we inherit a lot of beliefs that limit our potential - we will learn about these by observing our thoughts, words and actions to gift our animals a blank page to show us what they want us to know We will practice moving beyond these limiting beliefs and expanding into more of our abilities.

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This is something I do in the shower - it brings my body online

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A few ideas to help you in your communication journey

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Week 3 - The Art of Conversation

3 Lessons

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Our animal family have lots to share that enriches both our lives. The conversation skills a little different when a verbal and non-verbal species seek to be understood.

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Our imagination is wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful - we are balancing the receptive and creative parts of our brain in animal communication. Learning how to discern the original of information arriving in our conscious can help us bring to believe that we are, indeed, receive insights from the animals we love. This comes with a few heads up as insights may not arrive as we had initially imagined them to...

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Sometimes we can hear something many times and not get it, then someone says it a different way and it really hits home. The books listed here hit home in different ways and they may have something to say to you too.

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Week 4 - Interpretation

2 Lessons

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It would be very helpful if the meaning of insights was fully explained in a spell-checked email - but alas, energetic exchange is not so 'human'. This week we focus on the 'charades' like nature of Full Body Listening and making meaning of what we receive.

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Our imagination is wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful - we are balancing the receptive and creative parts of our brain in animal communication. Learning how to discern the original of information arriving in our conscious can help us bring to believe that we are, indeed, receive insights from the animals we love. This comes with a few heads up as insights may not arrive as we had initially imagined them to...

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Week 5 - Healing Energy

3 Lessons

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Everything is Energy & Energy is Everything - we are projecting and receiving energy constantly and are more an oscillating bundle of energy than a bundle of matter. This week we glimpse into how powerful we really are as an energy conductor.

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Our imagination is wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful - we are balancing the receptive and creative parts of our brain in animal communication. Learning how to discern the original of information arriving in our conscious can help us bring to believe that we are, indeed, receive insights from the animals we love. This comes with a few heads up as insights may not arrive as we had initially imagined them to...

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Sometimes we can hear something many times and not get it, then someone says it a different way and it really hits home. The books listed here hit home in different ways and they may have something to say to you too.

Text lesson

Week 6 - What's possible

1 Lesson

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Since the day we were conceived we have been told what is true - what if some 'facts' were just 'opinions'? Let's throw the doors of possibility wide open and see what presents itself, I know you are curious, or you wouldn't be reading this...

Video lesson

Summary of 'Formal' Communication Process

1 Lesson

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Text lesson


About the teacher


Hi there animal lover, aren't we lucky to have fascinating, beautiful and loving animals in our lives. Being with them is a joy ... and confusing and frustrating and sometimes heartbreaking...

I was raised on a farm in New Zealand and was lucky enough to be surrounded by many different species. Horses, cat and dogs were a constant in my young life along with native birds, sheep and cattle.

Embracing animal communication has been a gateway into feeling the exquisitely intertwined connectedness of all life. Learning about the vibrant inner and outer lives of non-human animals continues to be mind blowing and heart expanding.

The ripples of this expansion continue to deepen relationships with my animal family and as you step into expanding your awareness I am sure it will deepen yours too. Let the magical mystery tour of your human potential unfold... x

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